Version Information¶
- 2024/3/25 Version 1.9.2
SLHMC: support for deformation in only 2D and 1D directions of cell shapes
SLHMC: enhanced error log output for Quantum ESPRESSO calculations
added setting for maximum standard deviation of energy and charge (maxEDiv, maxQDiv).
added feature to ignore characters following element names in training data.
fixed issue with recognition of element name Pm in training data.
- 2023/11/15 Version 1.9.1
Fixed bug which was causing invalid content of
when Super Epoch method is employed
- 2023/8/3 Version 1.9
Changed ReaxFF calculation process to be performed with double precision
Errors that was occurring in some systems are avoided.
ReaxFF calculations in single-precision version
are internally processed in the same way as double-precision versionsannp_d
Support training data that has elements not defined in ReaxFF parameter definition file
Added a method to define one force field using the average value of multiple neural network models (→models)
Extrapolating precision of force field is improved and make the simulations of molten state / liquid system / amorphous etc. easier.
Added Super Epoch method (→superEpochs)
Split the training data into subsets and serially perform the training process using each subset.
Reduce the memory consumption while suppressing the overtraining.
Changed default values of some of the parameters in
(values suitable for inorganic crystal are adopted)SLHMC: changed default values of some of the parameters in
Added Windows 11 to supported OS
- 2023/3/8 Version 1.8.1
resolved issue that MPI library included in NeuralMD1.8 does not work properly on CentOS7
In corresponding case, an error about is output when executing a calculation.
Windows ver. 1.8 has no problem and update is not required.
Since NanoLabo Tool2.7 has the same problem, download and install NanoLabo Tool2.7.1.
- 2023/3/6 Version 1.8
Δ-NNP method using ReaxFF
Included Python script (
) to convert ASE trajectory file into training dataOther minor corrections, etc.
- 2022/9/30 Version 1.7
Released “Pro edition”
[Pro] Added GPU support version (included as new executable file)
Added function to specify whether to apply bias term of the last layer when performing test calculation (
)SLHMC: Optimized default values of auto tuning range of NNP-MD steps (
)SLHMC: Added setting to perform NNP-MD with NPH
SLHMC: Added function to output CRASH log when terminated with error
Excluded CentOS6 from supported OS
Unified CentOS version and AlmaLinux version (unified installer)
Other adjustments, etc.
- 2022/5/20 Version 1.6
Added the function to run self-learning hybrid Monte Carlo methods (included as a new executable)
Modified the method of subtracting Coulomb energy within the cutoff radius from the training data when charge calculation is enabled
Other minor corrections, etc.
- 2022/2/4 Version 1.5
Added the function to set individual temperatures for each pair of elemental substitutions in the Metropolis method
Added the function to perform in-situ testing during training
Added the function to extract test data by splitting the training data
Improved the algorithm for calculating the optimization of the classical force field in Δ-NNP
Added the option to wait without terminating in case of license error (maximum number of concurrent executions) (Linux only)
Added the function to set the bias term of the final layer to 0 (leveling of atomic energy) when LAMMPS is executed
Added the information on the number of adoptions/total number of structures to the log output of the Metropolis method
Fixed the bug in sannp.behler template output that output was different from specified when different cutoffs were specified for G2 and G3
Changed MPI library/compiler of Linux executable to Open MPI/oneAPI (previously Intel MPI/Intel Compiler)
Other adjustments, etc.
- 2021/7/29 Version 1.4
Added the function to generate structures by Monte Carlo calculations using the Metropolis method
Added Δ-NNP, a combination of classical force field and NNP
Added twisted tanh function and GELU function to neural network activation functions
Improved the initial estimation method of atomic energy when using HDNNP
Added the function to check for incorrect values/outliers in the training data
- 2021/2/22 Version 1.3
Supported for MPI parallelism (Linux only)
Improved accuracy of power by exact second-order differentiation of energy
Added the setting to periodically output neural network to file during training
Improvement of libBFGS output message
Other adjustments, etc.
- 2020/12/18 Version 1.2
Improved the performance of L-BFGS (use external library: libLBFGS)
Add the function to generate batch script for Windows
- 2020/09/11 Version 1.1
Added Chebyshev symmetry functions
Added G3 function to Behler symmetry functions
Added weighted symmetry functions
Added the function using cos as cutoff function for symmetric functions
Added L-BFGS method to the neural network training algorithm.
Supported the installer execution in the environment without GUI.
Other adjustments, etc.
- 2020/03/05 Version 1.0
Initial release